Unseelie $149

A dark paranormal romance premade book cover


Unseelie - dark paranormal romance premade book cover for self-published authors by Artful Cover

base price: $149.00
add print cover: $75.00
Genres: paranormal romance, dark paranormal romance, fantasy, UF, high fantasy

Unseelie is a dark paranormal romance premade book cover that would also work well for fantasy, high fantasy, and UF titles. A gender fluid blue-skinned fae wearing arcane sigils* on their face and hands and twisted wire bracelets hides their eyes set against a rich blue backdrop. This premade book cover design includes existing text as shown. Text features can be modified in type color, font, and positioning or more features may be added, though these changes may require additional design costs.

* Please note: Arcane sigils may easily be removed from the image, on author request.

Author info (lists/awards/title)
Series data
Subtitle (or short tagline / blurb)

To inquire about this dark paranormal romance premade book cover design (and reserve the design), please complete the form below the cover image.