Lightning Strikes $149

A punk rock literary fiction premade book cover


Lightning Strikes - punk rock literary fiction premade book cover for self-published authors by Artful Cover

base price: $149.00
add print cover: $75.00
Genres: lit fic, rock star romance

Lightning Strikes is a punk rock literary fiction premade book cover that could also be appropriate for some rock star romance titles. A man with a mohawk makes a praying gesture against a distressed concrete backdrop with rough spray-painted and hand-script title text. This premade book cover design includes existing text as shown. Text features can be modified in type color, font, and positioning or more features may be added, though these changes may require additional design costs.

Subtitle (or tagline / series)
Blurb (or tagline)

To inquire about this punk rock literary fiction premade book cover design (and reserve the design), please complete the form below the cover image.